Consultant, Author, 
and Life Coach
Click to review my
life's achievements.

Here Are Some Accrued Benefits You'll Experience Using My Life Coaching Expertise?

50 years ago my consultancy got me my first Life Coaching client. Since then, my life coach clients provided testimonies that their investment in my services proved to be a bargain when compared to the results they realized:

  • Their image, self-esteem, and stature improved and they began receiving surprising respect and admiration of others.

  • They experienced increased happiness because they were now doing what they loved to do.

  • Worries, frustrations, sleepless nights, stress and headaches were things of the past.

  • They enjoyed a new, positive attitude and outlook on life.

  • They had improved relationships with those who knew them.

  • They soon had a new circle of highly successful friends.

  • If wealth was their goal they derived intense satisfaction from sharing their new wealth with the causes they always believed in.

  • If somehow saving the world was their goal then people in need throughout the globe will receive our generosity.

Clients receive a signed copy of my best selling success reference book:
The 17 Key Success Factors

For over 50 years of Life Coaching, I am certain no two clients were ever the ame. And because of your life long experiences, you too are different. But, the methods to get were you want to go will be similar because they are time-tested.

In my coaching sessions you will be using my 17 Key Success Factors s and other proprietary texts as reference beacons to help you attain your aspirations –
despite today's bleak, global, competitive and economic uncertainties. When you apply the ideas, wisdom and proven techniques as instructed, greater success and happiness in your business or personal life is assurered.

Rather than providing you with off-the-shelf, canned advice that quickly runs out of gas, you will find my one-on-one methodology makes your results sustainable. As a professional listener, I will first assess your personality and your wants and needs. Then I'll tailor my life coaching services to help assure you will attain your dream.

If I accept you as a client it's because I'm certain your have a doable burning desire and are committed to attaining it, So, regardless of where you now are in your life, know now that I will help you get to where you want to go..

"When you limit what you will do,  you limit what you can do"

 Gene Levine

My approach is objective. After assessing your present skills, knowledge and abilities, I will help you create a well thought out, well organized, worthwhile, workable action plan and then hold your hand and guide you over the safest, most direct route from where you are now all the way to your final success destination. The planned trip should offer no surprises but, if one or more issues suddenly or unexpectedly pops up, I will be there to help you with experienced solutions.

Why Our Help Is Your Best Investment?

You have a dream, an idea, the value of which can never be realized until you act to achieve it. My services are very simple to understand, I will help you set, and then accomplish your goal in the fastest and safest way. You are making an investment in yourself and because of that investment, you have to decide whether the value of your realized goal will exceed what you pay us.

You'll Get What You Pay For Plus

There are life and success coaches whose sole criterion to help you rests on your ability to pay them. I'm different. I have a well earned ,fine reputation to live up to, and your qualifications, wants and desires are as important to me as recompense.

You too will find my fees proportionate to the high quality of  professional and sustainable services You will receive. Review my coaching services and applicable compensation schedule by clicking here.

There are multiple advantages and benefits to retaining me help you achieve and during your journey I will give you all the support you'll need.

How To Contact Me

Contact me if you aren't sure whether we can help you or not. We do not charge for any reply we make to your initial contact.

Need additional information?

Please give me a call at 352-275-4051

Or, send me an email


Contact Me

 Your Accrued Advantages Benefits Of  Life Coaching

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